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Nov 11, 2024 - Mar 31, 2025

Chakra Sadhana ( Body Energy Centres Allienment - BEAC)

  • 141Days
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.

Course Contents

According to ancient spiritual practices, there are commonly studied 114 chakras within our bodies associated with our routine functionalities, emotions, and wellbeing. These are also referred to as the Energy Centres or points where ‘Prana’ (life force energy) accumulates within the body. There are 7 main chakras which run parallel to the eastern side of our spine. Anatomically, chakra existence is visualized. Out of these 7 chakras, the first three chakras are Bhoutik (more responsible for bodily activities) chakras, and the remaining 4 are Adhyatmik (responsible for major spiritual activities) chakras. The 7 chakras (Energy Centres): Mooladhar Chakra: Located at the base of the spine just above the anus, this chakra deals with energy and enthusiasm. Swadhishaan Chakra: Situated in the middle of the last and second last spines of our spinal cord just behind the genitals, this chakra controls creation, procreation, and lust. Manipur Chakra: Located behind the navel, this chakra deals with joy, generosity, greed, and jealousy. Aanahat Chakra: Placed at the center of the chest behind the heart, this chakra is related to emotions like love, compassion, and fear. Vishuddhi Chakra: Situated behind the thyroid gland at the base of the collarbone, this chakra governs emotions like gratefulness and grief. Aadnya Chakra: Generally referred to as the third eye, this chakra is placed at the center of the eyebrows in front of the pineal gland. Anger or awareness arises from here. Sahastrar Chakra: This is the only chakra which lies outside but within the ora of the body just above Brahmarandra ( centre of terrace of head). Located at the crown of our head, it is hence called the crown chakra. Deep joy and eternal bliss are experienced at this chakra. In this chakra sadhana course, yoga asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and dhyana (meditation) are learned together. Every chakra has its own beej mantras, if chanted correctly lets learn them.

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